Selected publications


  • Characterization and assessment of the wideband magnetic properties of nanocrystalline alloys and soft ferrites
    Ferrara, E., Fiorillo, F., Beatrice, C., Dobák, S., Ragusa, C., Magni, A., Appino, C.
  • Controlling of magnetocaloric effect in Gd2O3@SiO2 nanocomposites by substrate dimensionality and particles' concentration
    Zeleňáková, A., Hrubovčák, P., Kapusta, O., Berkutova, A., Zeleňák, V., Franco, V.
  • Innovative ferrite nanofibres reinforced soft magnetic composite with enhanced electrical resistivity
    Füzer, J., Strečková, M., Dobák, S., Ďáková, Ľ., Kollár, P., Fáberová, M., Bureš, R., Osadchuk, Y., Kurek, P., Vojtko, M.
  • Irreversible permeability and DC losses relationship for selected soft magnetic materials
    Birčáková, Z., Kollár, P., Füzer, J., Bureš, R., Fáberová, M.
  • Layering and Ordering in Electrochemical Double Layers
    Liu, Y., Kawaguchi, T., Pierce, M.S., Komanicky, V., You, H.
  • Magnetic and Surface Properties of Metallophthalocyanines (M = Cu, Fe) Grafted Polyethylene
    Reznickova, A., Orendac, M., Cizmar, E., Kvitek, O., Slepicka, P., Kolska, Z., Svorcik, V.
  • Magnetic loss, permeability, and anisotropy compensation in CoO-doped Mn-Zn ferrites
    Beatrice, C., Dobák, S., Tsakaloudi, V., Ragusa, C., Fiorillo, F., Martino, L., Zaspalis, V.
  • Magnetic losses reduction in grain oriented silicon steel by pulse and continuous fiber laser processing
    Petryshynets, I., Kováč, F., Puchý, V., Šebek, M., Füzer, J., Kollár, P.
  • Magnetic properties of the anion-radical salts [M(bipy)3](TCNQ)4·X, where M = Co, Ni, Zn and X = H2O or (CH3)2CO
    Šoltésová, D., Vasylets, G., Čižmár, E., Fedorchenko, A.V., Starodub, V., Medviediev, V., Shishkin, O., Bukrynov, O., Feher, A.
  • On the origin of in-gap states in homogeneously disordered ultrathin films. MoC case
    Hašková, V., Kopčík, M., Szabó, P., Samuely, T., Kačmarčík, J., Onufriienko, O., Žemlička, M., Neilinger, P., Grajcar, M., Samuely, P.
  • Ordered cubic nanoporous silica support MCM-48 for delivery of poorly soluble drug indomethacin
    Zeleňák, V., Halamová, D., Almáši, M., Žid, L., Zeleňáková, A., Kapusta, O.
  • Radicals mediated magnetism in Ar plasma treated high-density polyethylene
    Orendáč, M., Čižmár, E., Kažiková, V., Orendáčová, A., Řezníčková, A., Kolská, Z., Švorčík, V.
  • Spin-glass polyamorphism induced by a magnetic field in LaMnO3 single crystal
    Eremenko, V.V., Sirenko, V.A., Baran, A., Čižmár, E., Feher, A.
  • The study of entropy change and magnetocaloric response in magnetic nanoparticles via heat capacity measurements
    Kapusta, O., Zeleňáková, A., Hrubovčák, P., Tarasenko, R., Zeleňák, V.


  • A comprehensive complex permeability approach to soft magnetic bulk cores from pure or resin coated Fe and pulverized alloys at elevated temperatures
    Samuel Dobák, Ján Füzer, Peter Kollár, Magdaléna Strečková, Radovan Bureš, Mária Fáberová
