

Dr. Jozef Bednarčík, Ph.D. - Associate professor
assoc. prof. Erik Čižmár, Ph.D. - Associate professor
Dr.h.c. mult. prof. Alexander Feher, DrSc. - Professor emmeritus
assoc. prof. Ján Füzer, Ph.D. - Associate professor
prof. Peter Kollár, Dr.Sc. - Professor - director of the Institute of Physics
assoc. prof. Vladimír Komanický, Ph.D. - Associate professor
prof. Martin Orendáč, Dr.Sc. - Professor - vice-head of the department
assoc. prof. Alžbeta Orendáčová, Dr.Sc. - Associate professor
MSc. Tomas Samuely, Ph.D. - Associate professor
prof. Pavol Sovák, Ph.D. - Professor
assoc. prof. Adriana Zeleňáková, Dr.Sc. - Associate professor - head of the department


Dipl.engineer František Onderko, Ph.D. - Leader of R&D Workshop
Jolana Šemráková, - Administration


assoc. prof. Dr. Vitaliy Bilanych, Ph.D. - Researcher
Dr. Renáta Bodnárová, Ph.D. - Researcher
Dr. Samuel Dobák, Ph.D. - Senior Researcher
Ing. Vladimír Girman, Ph.D. - Senior Researcher
Dr. Pavol Hrubovčák, Ph.D. - Senior Researcher
Mgr. Maksym Lisnichuk, Ph.D. - Researcher
Mgr. Ľuboš Nagy, Ph.D. - Researcher
prof. Peter Samuely, Dr.Sc. - Researcher
Ing. Jaroslava Szűcsová, Ph.D. - Researcher
Dr. Róbert Tarasenko, Ph.D. - Senior Researcher
Dr. Vladimír Tkáč, Ph.D. - Senior Researcher
Dr. Serhii Vorobiov, Ph.D. - Researcher
MSc. Daria Yudina, Ph.D. - Researcher