Study of ferromagnetic materials
Laboratory of ferromagnetism
- DC hysteresisgraph for measuring bulk hysteresis loops and magnetization curves during magnetization reversal in quasi-static regime
- Magnetooptical Kerr effect hysteresisgraph (MOKE) for measuring hysteresis loops of surface layers
- Hysteresisgraph (DC and AC) for measuring bulk hysteresis loops and magnetization curves in quasi-static regime and at frequencies up to 1 kHz
- LF AC hysteresisgraph (fluxmeter-based) for measuring bulk hysteresis loops during magnetization reversal at frequencies up to 50 Hz
- LF AC hysteresisgraph for measuring bulk hysteresis loops during magnetization reversal at frequencies from 50 Hz to 1 kHz
- HF AC hysteresisgraph for measuring bulk hysteresis loops during magnetization reversal at frequencies from 1 kHz to 300 kHz
- Impedance bridge for frequency range 100 Hz - 20 MHz for measurement of complex permeability of ferromagnets
- Koerzimat for measurement of coercivity of materials
- Ball and planetary mills for milling bulk ferromagnetic materials to prepare powder compacted samples