Lectures of Prof. Meisel from the University of Florida during summer semester 2025
Lectures of Prof. M.W. Meisel from the University of Florida in Gainesville, Fl., USA with the title Critical Thinking and Efficient Communication in Today’s Complex Science Sphere take place during the summer semester of the academic year 2024/2025 for students of master and doctoral degree.
How Prof. Meisel introduced the course:
This course challenges participants to examine communication materials and methods in their sphere of science. One goal is the enhancement of writing techniques/protocols for abstracts, figure captions, and text for journal articles, posters, and oral presentations, plus professional letters/emails including cover letters for a position and the supporting information such as a CV. Another goal is increased confidence to critically question what is read and heard. The methods will include the development of one-page reports about a colloquium/seminar that was attended recently attended. The reports will hone writing skills while also providing a critique of the speakers’ presentation methods. In addition, one journal article related to the central theme of the presentation will be reviewed and critiqued. The participant may have an optional opportunity to present an oral summary of their critical synopsis to the class. Ultimately, the participants will be exposed to an interdisciplinary array of information transfer with an enhanced eye and confidence to question the material that was read and heard and to deliver their own science messages in an efficient, engaging manner.